Friday, December 25, 2009

State of Orderly Chaos

Humans want to find order into anything, from taxonomy to the classification of rocks and minerals. Sorting everything into classes, orders, families, etc. I could go on and on with labels of such ridiculous names that even taxonomist finds it confusing. Humans are in every little way orderly, not just in their lives.

The way of communicating with other people shows order and ethics, the simple art of ethics revived in communications. In the halls of the academe splendor, ethics is considered more of a common sense than a study, in communicating its like slicing breading while making sandwiches in a very boring morning, you know you want to eat a sandwich you carefully make them then suddenly in the middle of the process of making, you find yourself bored… if not stuck… why not just fry eggs or something? Ok, my parallelism sucks but hey at least I tried… poorly.

Life is in a state of orderly chaos, everything is in motion as Newton indirectly said in his Principia. Life is never static; it always finds a way to move, to change or to find some way to irritate people in their typical “static” lives. In Jurassic Park, Dr. Malcolm (Jeff Goldblum) once said that life will find a way, and it will. No matter how we stop it, no matter how we ignore it, it will find a way to gain entrance to the impossibility because life contradicts impossibility.

During the recent mornings of my life, the cold stale air always gushes in my face when I go outside. Going to school, walking under the darkness of the upcoming morning, seeing people with their bloodshot eyes of interrupted sleep and their desire to buy pandesal (Pan De Sal) in the morning makes you notice how routinely their morning can be. I board the jeep going to the LRT station; the cold air still follows me, like some entity hungry for attention… or is it just my perception? Either way, its really cold.

Not used to wearing jackets (I love wearing suits though), I find it somewhat dismaying on my part that I complain a lot about the cold air yet still persist on not wearing any jacket… stupidity on my part. Going in and staying, waiting for the train can be boring without the invention of the portable music playing device called the mp3 player. Standing, waiting for the erratic train to come, depending on the train, you might be riding the white E-Telcare train which is the coolest train (thermodynamically speaking) or the ugliest train, the PCSO train. The whole train is covered in GMA’s face! What did the people do to deserve such an ugly train whistling through their skyline? A lot of answers on that one.

Arriving in Recto and going to Mapua is as repetitive as it can be; proves a point on routine. You go down the train station, walk a little, wait a little (sometimes) then you board a jeep going to City Hall then you go down, walk, enter the gate, tap your ID to the ID tapping machine and all else is straightforward. That brief little description on how my morning goes shows how my life can be orderly and at the same time chaotic, in between the intervals of destinations or points in the destination there is that uncertain feel. Question pop in my head, am I on time? Is the jeep on time? Is the train on time? How many people are boarding the train? How many people are going out now? So many uncertainties, factors of uncertainties. Now you might find it weird that I notice these little things, yes it is weird but on a philosophical standpoint… whatever! It still is.

As I look upon my life in the birds eye view, I see that I am a routinely person. Like in each every person in the modern world, we follow a strict routine, I’m not saying that routines are bad but we have to go outside that line we always follow. The line of routine, the line that keeps us “alive”. Its like going to Starbucks and selecting a cup coffee… so many choices but we follow a strict choice that we’ve been picking for the last couple of months or years. That gives us the certainty that we need to go functioning everyday, the key word is certainty, it gives security. This is why capitalistic society thrives and survives. Capitalism thrives on routines, routines that alienate man that makes man a machine. We work within the boundaries of the routines that we made just to serve a purpose of materialistic intentions, and when I say materialistic, not in a philosophical sense.

We always say that we must live our life fully, live as if we’re going to die tomorrow. The capitalistic way of thinking says how can you live as if you’re going to die tomorrow without MONEY? We work our asses of just to gain money to buy more things to work harder to gain more money to buy more things… it completely alienates man. That is how capitalism works. The fact that as students, we are slowly being trained to follow this line, the line that will lead us to certainty, certainty for survival in the capitalistic society. In my point of view, life is not just about surviving, life is also LIVING. How can we live in this frame of mind? Well God knows… wait… he doesn’t.

Hypocrite as I can be, I want to live my life beyond that line of routines… where you can actually live. You have to go beyond that concept of life we are used to. What will happen if you do? You’ll live to see another day, another limelight… but the experience is worth it in the end. We live too rationally, we must be able to grasp the reality that life is about living in routine… its about living period. We will not regret living, as long as you desire to live. We must destroy that mentality, we must be ourselves. But hey, stick back to your old routine, get in to that couch of yours and let your day pass by… if that is what you called living then so be it… life is relative after all. But in the end, after turning that TV off, you’ll start to wonder… have I wasted my life? =)

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